Originally in the Oova app, cycle reports were automatically generated when the algorithm detected a cycle was complete.
While this worked in some cases, it also failed in many more — women are not robots and there are many deviations that occur cycle to cycle! The Oova team has updated this feature so that cycle reports are no longer auto-generated.
As an Oova user, you can now generate as many reports, for whatever time frame is of interest for you. Here are some highlights on what this new feature allows you to do:
- Generate a cycle report by selecting the first date and last date of your cycle (or the time frame you care to review)
- No limit to the number of reports you can generate
- Download or directly email PDFs of your report to share with your clinical team
In the Oova app, you can generate a report for any cycle, no matter how long ago you tracked it. All you will need to do is provide the start and end dates of the cycle you would like a report on.
1. Open the Oova app and click on the “Report” tab in the bottom navigation bar
3. Click “When was your cycle?” to pull up the calendar
Tap the day corresponding to the first day of your cycle (the first day you experienced bleeding). Next, tap the last day of your cycle (the day before your next period).
4. Tap the blue button that says CREATE A NEW CYCLE REPORT
Can I generate a cycle report where it accounts for two cycles' worth of data?
Yes, you can. However, the insights provided in the report will be based on the latest cycle captured in the date range. For example, if you decide to generate a report across your September and October cycles, the graphs shown in the report will include data from both cycles. However, the information reported for fertile window and ovulation confirmation will be associated with the October cycle.
How many scans must be captured for a report to be generated?
The algorithm requires at least seven scans to generate a report.
I want to delete a report. Am I able to do that?
Yes, you can delete reports.
1. Click on the “Report” tab in the bottom navigation bar.
2. Open the report you would like to delete.
3. Click on the trash can button in the top right corner.
If you made a mistake and deleted the wrong report, don’t worry. As detailed above, you can always regenerate a report for a specific date range!
How can I email a report to my doctor?
1. Click on the “Report” tab in the bottom navigation bar.
2. Open the report you would like to email.
3. Click on the download icon in the top right corner. This will trigger a PDF to be generated for you. This could take a few minutes.
4. Once the PDF of your report has been generated, you will be able to email or download the report.
5. Click on the download icon in the top right corner.
6. The PDF report will open for you to review.
7. Click on the EMAIL MY REPORT button.
8. If you have not already, you will need to enable access to the Mail app on your phone and connect it to your email. To do this, go to Settings (on your phone) > Mail > Accounts > Connect an email address.
9. Once you do that, a blank email dialog will open with the attached PDF report. Enter the email address of the person you wish to email the report to, add a subject, and type any text in the body of the email.
10. Hit SEND, and your report is on its way!