The best time of day to scan your Oova test is the time of day that you can be the most consistent with from day to day. You should test at approximately the same time every day for the 15-20 days you will use Oova in a particular cycle. For example, do not test in the morning one day, afternoon the next day, and in the evening the following day. The measured hormones fluctuate throughout the day, and we want to eliminate variables that could lead to inaccurate conclusions.
If you wake up multiple times at night, we recommend not worrying about Oova during your late-night bathroom visits. Instead, wait until you wake up for the day and use that sample.
That being said, some women notice their estrogen and LH levels have a bit more activity in the afternoon/early evening. If this is a convenient time, make that your scanning time. If not, we recommend you scan in the morning for at least one cycle. Changing your scanning time to the afternoon may make sense if you do not see a lot of estrogen or LH movement.