Oova is the clinician's choice at-home hormone testing solution. Through ultra-sensitive hormone detection paired with an AI-powered smartphone app, Oova measures luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone (PdG), and estrogen (E3G) with lab-quality precision to deliver personalized insights tailored to each user’s unique fertility profile.
What's in the Oova kit
Oova is an at-home urine test that works alongside a smartphone app (check if your phone is supported here).
The kit comes with a handle, holder, and enough disposable cartridges (30) for a single cycle. 15 cartridges measure luteinizing hormone (LH) and PdG (a urinary metabolite of progesterone), while another 15 cartridges measure E3G (a urinary metabolite of estrogen).
How to get started
You will be taken through a registration process when you download the app. We ask about your health history, general wellness, and menstrual cycle. This information is input into Oova's algorithm to determine which days of your cycle you need to use an Oova cartridge.
Testing day
On a testing day, you will provide a midstream urine sample on a cartridge or dipping into a cup (Oova works both ways, however, we strongly recommend using the dipping method if you will be scanning two cartridges at once).
You then start the 10-minute timer in the app. During this time, you should begin to see either one, two, or three lines appear on the test strips (here is some information on what the lines mean).
Once the timer is complete, you will scan the cartridge using the camera directly on your phone. Our algorithms are embedded in the app and will take you to your results page to tell you exactly where you are in your cycle.
Our results will tell you your LH, PdG, and E3G concentrations.
Analyzing results
If you are trying to conceive, a contextualized result will let you know if you are in low, high, or peak ovulation, if you've released an egg or not, and days post ovulation. If you're using the perimenopause kit, a contextualized result will let you know if you have high, low, or peak levels of specific hormones.
You can view the hormone results on a daily view or across multiple days. Go to Journal > Select a day or date range > Arrow. You can generate a report by viewing your data as a date range and then exporting it.
Sharing results with a provider
You can share the report with your doctor if they are not already an Oova provider. If they are an Oova provider, we will share the data with your clinician, so you don't need to worry about what is relevant for your doctor and what is not.
Symptom and feature tracking
Tracking symptoms and other aspects of your life alongside your hormones can help you identify how your symptoms may correspond with specific times in your cycle or hormonal fluctuations.
You can track a range of features with Oova, from your period flow and breast tenderness to energy levels and exercise intensity. You can see a list of all the features you can track here.
To make selections on which features to track, go to Account > Journal & Logging > Toggle ON/OFF whichever features you would like.