Oova gives you accurate, clear measurements of your fertility hormones — luteinizing hormone (LH), E3G (an estrogen metabolite), and PdG (a progesterone metabolite) — from the comfort of your own home. Read on to learn more about progesterone levels, and join Oova to start measuring your own through progesterone's urinary metabolite, PdG.
What is progesterone?
Progesterone is a hormone that is key to the menstrual cycle. It also is necessary for maintaining an early pregnancy.
During the second half of the menstrual cycle, called the luteal phase, progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum, an outer layer that forms around the egg. The detection of progesterone after ovulation is the clearest indicator of an egg being released.
Progesterone is released to help prepare the body for pregnancy in the event that the released egg is fertilized. Specifically, progesterone causes the uterine lining to thicken so the fertilized egg, or embryo, can implant. If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum will break down, the levels of progesterone begin to drop, and the uterine lining begins to shed, resulting in a period. Oova measures progesterone through it's urinary metabolite, PdG.
What does a typical PdG chart look like?
PdG levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, so it is important to follow the overall trend of the hormone behavior versus specific numbers each day.
To confirm ovulation, the PdG should begin to elevate 24-72 hours after the LH peaks. With Oova, we have seen the levels begin to elevate anywhere within that range.
In order to confirm ovulation, the PdG levels should rise at least 5 ng/mL above the baseline PdG values captured during the earlier part of the monitoring window.
Other progesterone patterns that may occur
Often, patients display dramatic progesterone behavior representing a zig-zag pattern. In this pattern, the progesterone levels elevate, then drop, and then elevate again. If this pattern continues throughout the luteal phase, it can indicate that the corpus luteum is not releasing a steady stream of progesterone.
What are the PdG levels we are looking for?
During the follicular phase, PdG levels should be close to their baseline levels or very low. Post ovulation, the PdG should begin to rise. In order to confirm ovulation, an increase of 5 ng/mL over baseline is expected. In terms of Oova percentages, women should expect to see a percentage at or above 22.2%.
How many days post-ovulation does the progesterone begin to rise?
This differs for every woman, however, typically, PdG will rise anywhere from 24-72 hours after ovulation.
What happens if progesterone is very low?
If PdG levels are on the lower side, irregular and heavy menstrual bleeding can occur. It can also lead to a miscarriage or early labor if the PdG drops substantially during the pregnancy. If there is no PdG rise that happens after ovulation, it can mean that the ovary failed to release an egg during the LH peak, and that particular cycle was anovulatory.
>>MORE: Is Low Progesterone Hurting Your Fertility?
Progesterone is a fertility hormone that plays a crucial role in both your menstrual cycle and the early stages of pregnancy. Oova measures progesterone through it's urinary metabolite, PdG. Understanding your unique PdG levels can give you important insights into your menstrual cycle (and any symptoms that come with it!), fertility, and overall health. If you want to measure and understand your PdG levels, Oova can provide clear, accurate test results and information from your home.